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TFI Code of Ethics

Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) has established Codes of Ethics to guide the actions of consultant/Leadership team, treatment of those receiving services, business/financial practices, and marketing.

Each new consultant or employee and Leadership team will be required to review the Code of Ethics at the time of employment/appointment.  Any consultant member who violates one of the agency’s Codes of Ethics may face corrective action.  Action may be taken with any Leadership Team who violates the Code of Ethics.

The core values that serve as roots for our Codes of Ethics are:

Respect for Each Other

  • Consultant and Leadership Team will exercise thoughtful consideration of the needs of others – consultant persons, Leadership Team, persons receiving services.


  • Consultant and Leadership Team act in a spirit of compromise and agreement.  Each individual will hear and respect the other person’s point of view and be open to constructive discussion.


  • All consultant and Leadership Team will deal honestly with other consultant persons, Leadership Team, customers, and those receiving services.  The value of honesty cannot be compromised.  We must be honest without being hurtful.


  • Each of us will be non-judgmental on issues.  We will be supportive of others and responsive in any time of need.


Code of Ethics – Treatment of persons receiving service
The following questions will serve as principles, which will guide my actions in dealing with those individuals receiving services from or employed by TFI For Mental Health Services. 


  • Do my actions…

  • Promote self-esteem in those we serve/supervise?

  • demonstrate empathy and a willingness to use insights thus gained in such a way as to improve the situation?

  • enlist the involvement of those we serve/supervise by increasing the worth of these individual?

  • Persons receiving services must always be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of disability or other potential deficit areas.

  • The input of persons receiving services into the rehabilitation process is not only important but it is paramount.  That input should always be accepted in a respectful manner.

  • Persons receiving services give up no legal rights when they join TFI For Mental Health Services.  Hence, an individual’s legal rights must be respected at all times.

  • An atmosphere must be maintained in which those receiving services may learn and develop.

  • The organization must be ever mindful of the attitudinal, architectural, and communication barriers that may exist in the agency. Where barriers exist, the organization must consider correction action.


Code of Ethics—Consultants

  • I will do my best to see that Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) meets the needs of the persons receiving services.

  • I will respect the value and dignity of all individuals.

  • I will do my best to create and maintain a climate of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect.

  • I will support a work atmosphere in which the work of each individual is respected as important.

  • I will recognize excellent work done by other consultant members and persons receiving services. 

  • I will strive to speak to everyone in a friendly, positive, enthusiastic, and courteous way.

  • I will support a work atmosphere that is open and non-secretive while being mindful of the need for confidentiality.

  • I will support the decisions of management.  I may state my position, but ultimately consultant members must follow management’s final decision

  • I will be loyal to the agency.  I will refrain from doing anything that might bring discredit to the agency.

  • I acknowledge that enthusiasm and a positive attitude always make for a better work place.

  • I will uphold all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of the law to protect and/or enhance TFI For Mental Health Services’ ability to meet its mission.

  • I will be a responsible steward of Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) resources.

  • I will strive for personal and professional growth to improve my effectiveness

  • I will carefully consider the public perception of my personal and professional actions, and the effect my actions could have on TFI for Mental Health Services’ reputation in my community and elsewhere.


Code of Ethics – Executive Team

  • I will do my best to see that Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) is operated in a manner that upholds the agency’s integrity, adhere to its bylaws, and merits the trust and support of the public. 

  • I will strive to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of the law to protect and/or enhance TFI Clinic For Mental Health Services’ ability to accomplish its mission.

  • I will treat others with respect, doing for and to others as I would have done for and to me in similar circumstances.

  • I will be a responsible steward of TFI For Mental Health Services’ the clinic provides. 

  • I will take no actions that could benefit me personally at the expense of TFI for Mental Health Services, avoiding even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

  • I will carefully consider the public perception of my personal and professional actions, and the effect my actions could have, positively or negatively, on TFI for Mental Health Services’ reputation in my community and elsewhere.

  • I will strive for personal and professional growth to improve my effectiveness as a Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) Executive member.

  • I will refrain from unwarranted intrusion into the responsibilities of TFI for Mental Health Services’ operational management.


Code of Ethics – Financial practices 

  • All financial practices of Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) shall be handled in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local laws.

  • All financial matters shall be conducted within the standards of commonly accepted, sound financial management practices.

  • All financial matters that fall within the purview of the agency’s financial Management policies shall comply with those policies.

  • All financial matters covered by the agency’s bylaws shall be handled in accordance with those bylaws.


Code of Ethics – Marketing activities 

  • Marketing activities are part of TFI For Mental Health Services accountability to the public 

  • Marketing activities/efforts shall always respect the dignity and privacy rights of those receiving services.

  • Marketing activities will never knowingly mislead or misinform the public or misrepresent TFI.

  • Marketing activities will uphold the integrity of Trauma & Family Integration (TFI) so as to merit the continued support and trust of the public.


Code of Ethics – Treatment of community members 

  • Community members must always be treated with respect and dignity.

  • Requests for information from community members are responded to in a timely manner.

  • Concerns or complaints from the community are addressed.

  • Input is solicited from the community and is considered in a respectful manner.


@TFI Executive Team 

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